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Welcome to the BREMSS AHA Training Center 

Instructor Candidate Application

This form is required for acceptance into the BREMSS AHA Training Center.

It should be completed by the instructor candidate with appropriate signatures.

If you are applying for multiple disciplines, a separate application must be submitted for each.

Once your application is approved you will receive information at the registered email on the process to register for the requested instructor essentials course. 

Should your application be denied you will receive notification. 

Please allow 7-10 business days for your application to be processed.

*Completion of this application does not guarantee acceptance into the BREMSS AHA Training Center, nor does it guarantee availability in your desired course or session date.

Verification of Instructor Potential

Instructor candidates must achieve a score of 84% or higher on the provider written examination in the discipline for which he or she is applying and have completed at least 1 of the following options:

  • Been identified as having instructor potential during performance in a provider course
  • Demonstrated instructor potential during a screening evaluation
  • Demonstrated exemplary performance of provider skills under direct observation of the BREMSS Training Center Coordinator, BREMSS Training Center Faculty, or the Course Director.

Instructor Essentials Course Information

Educational Design

The Instructor Essentials Course is taught in a blended-learning format. To become an AHA Instructor, candidates must complete the online portion, followed by the hands-on session, which is classroom based. The online portion of the course contains both core content and discipline-specific modules to prepare the instructor candidates for the hands-on session. In the classroom, faculty will continue preparing instructor candidates to become AHA Instructors by focusing on in-depth material about the disciplines that candidates will be teaching. The hands-on session includes instruction, practice, and an exam, allowing instructor candidates to successfully use their instructor materials and skills. 

The following components are required for a candidate to complete their instructor certification:

  • Module 1: AHA Instructor Essentials self-directed, online session located on AHA eLearning (Assigned by BREMSS TC)
  • Module 2: Instructor Essentials Lecture Session 
  • Module 3: Instructor Essentials Psychomotor Session
  • Module 4: Candidate monitoring (must be with approved BREMSS AHA Training Center Faculty)

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